Cybernetic Micro Systems
CY233 Controller Support software
- SERIAL96. Dos-based terminal emulator utility allows keyboard entry to COM1. The port is set up at "9600,n,8,1", or 9600 baud, no parity, 8 bit data, 1 stop bit. Typing is buffered at the keyboard until the Enter key sends the entire string to the serial port. The ESC key terminates the utility. No additional support files are required.
Download Serial96 now.
This utility will directly support the CY233 on a CYB-233 prototyping board (which has jumper selectable baud settings). When using this utility with the CY233, the user should remeber to send uppercase commands. If the CY233 is set to adaptive baud, then two carriage returns should be sent to the controller after a reset.
- SERIAL24. Dos-based terminal emulator utility allows keyboard entry to COM1. The port is set up at "2400,n,8,1", or 2400 baud, no parity, 8 bit data, 1 stop bit. Typing is buffered at the keyboard until the Enter key sends the entire string to the serial port. The ESC key terminates the utility. No additional support files are required.
Download Serial24 now.
This utility will directly support the CY233 on a CYB-233 prototyping board (which has jumper selectable baud settings). When using this utility with the CY233, the user should remember to send uppercase commands. If the CY233 is set to adaptive baud, then two carriage returns should be sent to the controller after a reset.
- CyberCom V1. Win98/NT-based software Provides Com Port Communication for Cybernetic Micro Systems' Controller Chips and Prototyping Boards. The program allows keyboard entry to one of Com 1, 2, 3, or 4.
The user has control over many of the Com port settings, including Baud, data-length, parity, stopbits, and CTS/RTS. Typing is buffered at the keyboard until the Enter key sends the entire string to the serial port. A Carriage return terminator is optional.
This utility directly supports all of the Cybernetic prototyping boards that have RS232 connectors. Default settings are provided for each board, and all the boards are pictorially depicted with proper jumper and switch settings and startup tips.
The program is available on three diskettes: the program, the PDF manual, and the support DLLs.
The DLL zip file contains MsVbVm60.dll and two OCX support files, MsComm32.ocx and ComDlg32.ocx. These should be placed
in Windows\System if they do not already exist there.
- CyberCom V2. Version 2 is now also available as a download. Includes file storage of com strings, and many other upgrades.
The program and support files are available as a single large 2MB download. The download is a self extracting installer:
Since most newer machines already include Miccrosoft's VB6 runtime module, it is are not included in the download above. If you require the system file, it may be downloaded here:
Download VB6dll.exe now. VB6 runtime module.
- VB6Comm.
This Visual Basic sample source code provides a starting point for developing your own VB interface to Cybernetic chips over the Com port of your PC. While written under VB6, the sample code should work in both VB5 and VB6 development environments. The code requires that VB5/VB6 Microsoft Comm Control object (MScomm32.ocx) be loaded into your programming environment.
Download VB6Comm.frm now.
To use the code module:
- open a new VB project.
- Project/Unload the default Form1.frm.
- Project/Add VB6Comm.frm.
- In Project/Properties, set startup object to ComForm.