Graphics Creation Software for LCDs
DOS Version
LCD Paint Overview
LCD Window Controllers from Cybernetic Micro Systems are powerful chips
that allow text and graphics to be independently addressed on the same
LCD screen. Graphics are downloaded to the display using a special graphics
command followed by a data stream. To make it easier to create and test
this graphics data stream, Cybernetics has developed the LCD Paint utility.
LCD Paint is not on the level with consumer paint programs, as the program provides only the on/off state of pixels just as on the LCD. However, the program does incorporate a few of the features available in consumer paint programs: circles and snap lines, line width, brush shape, pencil, eraser and text. Additionally, the drawing window can be framed to any valid display size.
It takes only a few minutes to create and save a simple graphics picture, which can then be immediately tested on the LCD. The data file is then ready to be edited or incorporated in your applications program. The Frame feature allows you to crop the graphics for any size display up to 240 x 128, and files can be saved in 6-bit or 8-bit mode, as needed by your LCD setting.
LCD Paint will read and create ASCII hexadecimal data files and will append the Graphics commands required by the LCD controller when writing to the LCD.
The 110K byte program requires an IBM PC with CGA and MicroSoft Mouse, and a COM port for the LCD. The program is written in QuickBasic and is invoked in low resolution screen mode. The 320x200 screen format was chosen because the pixel aspect ratio is nearly square, and the size allows each pixel to represent one pixel on the LCD, with no computational overhead. The program directly interfaces to the CYB-003 over the COM port.