CY233 Pinouts
CY233 DIP Pinout
CY233/J PLCC Pinout
CY233/Q QFP Pinout*
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CY233 Dip Pin# |
CY233/J PLCC Pin# |
CY233/Q QFP* Pin# |
Pin Name | I/O | Description |
- | 1 | 39 | NC | no internal connection | |
1 | 2 | 40 | A0 | I/O | Parallel device address bit 0, LSB |
2 | 3 | 41 | A1 | I/O | Parallel device address bit 1 |
3 | 4 | 42 | A2 | I/O | Parallel device address bit 2 |
4 | 5 | 43 | A3 | I/O | Parallel device address bit 3 |
5 | 6 | 44 | A4 | I/O | Parallel device address bit 4 |
6 | 7 | 1 | A5 | I/O | Parallel device address bit 5 |
7 | 8 | 2 | A6 | I/O | Parallel device address bit 6 |
8 | 9 | 3 | A7 | I/O | Parallel device address bit 7 |
9 | 10 | 4 | Reset | I | CY233 hardware reset when high |
10 | 11 | 5 | RxD | I | Received Serial Data into CY233 |
- | 12 | 6 | NC | no internal connection | |
11 | 13 | 7 | TxD | O | Transmitted Serial Data from CY233 |
12 | 14 | 5 | FPL/ | I | Forced parallel load |
13 | 15 | 9 | ACK/ | I | Acknowledge of parallel transfer |
14 | 16 | 10 | DAV/ | I/O | Data available to parallel device |
15 | 17 | 11 | R-W/ | I/O | Read/Write selection for transfer |
16 | 18 | 12 | WR/ | I/O | Parallel Write Strobe |
17 | 19 | 13 | RD/ | I/O | Parallel Read Strobe or alternate select |
18 | 20 | 14 | Xtal2 | I | Crystal oscillator connection |
19 | 21 | 15 | Xtal1 | I | Crystal oscillator connection |
20 | 22 | 16 | Vss | I | Ground connection for CY233 |
- | 23 | 17 | NC | no internal connection | |
21 | 24 | 18 | DUP | I | Duplex mode selection |
22 | 25 | 19 | NET | I | Network mode selection |
23 | 26 | 20 | U-E-D/ | I | Address coding mode selection |
24 | 27 | 21 | CHAR | I/O | Character mode selection |
25 | 28 | 22 | PAR0 | I | Parity/Data length selection, LSB |
26 | 29 | 23 | PAR1 | I | Parity/Data length selection, MSB |
27 | 30 | 24 | BDR0 | I | Baud rate selection, LSB |
28 | 31 | 25 | BDR1 | O | Baud rate selection, MSB |
29 | 32 | 26 | ADDR/ | O | Address strobe for parallel device |
30 | 33 | 27 | CLK | O | Clock output, 1/6 crystal rate |
- | 34 | 28 | NC | no internal connection | |
31 | 35 | 29 | Test | I | Internal test signal, connect to Vcc |
32 | 36 | 30 | D 7 | I/O | Parallel Data Bus bit 7 (MSB) |
33 | 37 | 31 | D 6 | I/O | Parallel Data Bus bit 6 |
34 | 38 | 32 | D 5 | I/O | Parallel Data Bus bit 5 |
35 | 39 | 33 | D 4 | I/O | Parallel Data Bus bit 4 |
36 | 40 | 34 | D 3 | I/O | Parallel Data Bus bit 3 |
37 | 41 | 35 | D 2 | I/O | Parallel Data Bus bit 2 |
38 | 42 | 36 | D 1 | I/O | Parallel Data Bus bit 1 |
39 | 43 | 37 | D 0 | I/O | Parallel Data Bus bit 0 (LSB) |
40 | 44 | 38 | Vcc (+ 5V) | I | +5 volt power supply |
* QFP Notes:
- While the numbering scheme of the QFP pinout differs from the PLCC,
the physical location of functional pins will be identical on both packages.
- The QFP package is currently only available in 1000 quantity minimums.
Pin Descriptions
Some pin descriptions below show three possible states, TTL 0, TTL 1, or floating (F). Also, many pins on the CY233 are bi-directional, assuming various functions in the different operating modes of the device.
DIP Pin# Mnemonic Function 1. (I/O) A0 Parallel device address bit 0, LSB 2. (I/O) A1 Parallel device address bit 1, 3. (I/O) A2 Parallel device address bit 2, 4. (I/O) A3 Parallel device address bit 3, 5. (I/O) A4 Parallel device address bit 4, 6. (I/O) A5 Parallel device address bit 5, 7. (I/O) A6 Parallel device address bit 6, 8. (I/O) A7 Parallel device address bit 7, MSB These pins specify the current address to the parallel device. They are used for address generation and testing. 9. (I) Restart CY233 hardware reset The CY233 is hardware rest by this active high signal. 10. (I) RxD Received serial data into CY233 TTL level serial data input to the CY233 through this pin. 11. (O) TxD Transmitted serial data into CY233 TTL level serial data is output on this pin. 12. (I) FPL/ Forced parallel load The local parallel device can force a multi-byte read or parallel command operation using this pin. The read address must also be supplied. 13. (I) ACK/ Acknowledge of parallel transfer 14. (I/O) DAV/ Data available to parallel device 15. (I/O) R-W/ Read/Write selection for transfer These pins are used for handshake control of parallel data transfers,indicating when data are stable and have been accepted by the CY233 and local parallel device. 16. (I/O) WR/ Parallel write strobe for Bus Enable 17. (I/O) RD/ Parallel read strobe or alternate select As an alternative to the handshake data transfers, the CY233 also supports strobed transfers. These pins control the timing of the transfers in the strobed mode. Alternate functions are available in the handshake mode. 18. (I) XTAL2 Crystal connection 19. (I) XTAL1 Crystal connection An external 11 MHz crystal or clock source is connected to these pins. All baud rates and device timing are derived from this clock. 20. (I) VSS Power supply common 21. (I) DUP Duplex mode selection 22. (I) NET Network mode selection Select the communications mode through these pins. NET DUP ECHO MODE USEFUL FOR 0 0 Invalid Master Ring Network 0 F None Master Point to Point 0 1 All Master Ring Network F 0 Invalid Slave Ring Network F F None Slave Half Dup. Line Turnaround F 1 All Slave Console to CY233 1 0 Valid Master Console to CY233 1 F Valid Slave Bus 1 1 Valid Slave Bus 23. (I) U-E-D/ Address coding mode selection Select the CY233 addressing format through this pin. 1 Uncoded UART mode, addresses not used F Encoded Address, positive true binary 0 Decoded Address, negative true, 1 of 8 24. (I/O) CHAR Character mode selection This pin selects the data representation for the contents of serial messages. When the CY233 is running, it may also be used to enable tri-state transmit drivers. F ASCII Character mode 1 ASCII Hexadecimal character mode 0 Binary Character mode 25. (I) PAR0 Parity/Data length selection, LSB 26. (I) PAR1 Parity/Data length selection, MSB Select parity and character length options with these pins. Data Total Character PAR1 PAR0 Parity Length Length F F Mark 7 10 F 1 Even 7 10 F 0 Odd 7 10 1 F Space 7 10 1 1 None 8 10 1 0 Space 8 11 0 F Mark 8 11 0 1 Even 8 11 0 0 Odd 8 11 27. (I) BDR0 Baud rate selection, LSB 28. (I) BDR1 Baud rate selection, MSB These pins select the CY233 baud rate as follows: BDR1 BDR0 Rate with 11.059 MHz clock F F Self Adaptive F 1 57600 F 0 19200 1 F 9600 1 1 4800 1 0 2400 0 F 1200 0 1 600 0 0 300 29. (O) ADDR/ Address strobe for parallel device A short strobe is generated on this line when the CY233 has written a new address to lines A0-A7, but before the lines are tested. Could be used to trigger external addressing logic. 30. (O) CLK Clock output, 1/6 crystal rate 31. (I) TEST Internal test signal, connect to Vcc 32. (I/O) D7 Parallel data bit 7, MSB 33. (I/O) D6 Parallel data bit 6 34. (I/O) D5 Parallel data bit 5 35. (I/O) D4 Parallel data bit 4 36. (I/O) D3 Parallel data bit 3 37. (I/O) D2 Parallel data bit 2 38. (I/O) D1 Parallel data bit 1 39. (I/O) D0 Parallel data bit 0, LSB These bi-directional lines are used for all parallel data transfers between the CY233 and local parallel devices. 40. (I) VCC +5 Volt power supply
** The CY233 and the CY232 are NOT pin compatible. The CY233 contains all the features of the CY232, and is recommended in place of the CY232 for new designs.